The Department has auditoriums with a capacity of about 100 people and several
classrooms with a capacity of about 60 people. All classrooms are equipped with personal computers
and modern regulatory systems.
The Department has organized the following laboratories which are used in both education and research:
Laboratory of Organic Chemistry
Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry
Laboratory of Instrumental Chemical Analysis
Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Foods
Food Biochemistry Laboratory
Food Chemistry Laboratory
Food Microbiology Laboratory
Food Packaging Laboratory
Food Processing Laboratory
Food Engineering Laboratory
Organoleptic Food Control Laboratory
Laboratory of Science & Technology of Flour and Flour products
Laboratory of Technology and Quality of Fats & Oils
Laboratory of Science & Technology of Fruits and Vegetables
Laboratory of Technology and Quality of Meat and Meat Products
Laboratory of Milk and Dairy Products
Computer Laboratory
Laboratory courses are carried out in well equipped modern laboratory rooms such as:
Laboratory Room 28
The laboratoty component of the course Food Analysis is held in this laboratory room. Equipment of this laboratory includes: UV-vis spectrophotometer, FT-IR spectrophotometer, photoluminescence spectrophotometer, Electrochemical analysis system which consisting of Potentiostat, Controlled Growth Mercury system Electrode Cell stand and cyclic voltammetry system, Differential Scanning Calorimeter System (DSC), and Thermostatic Analysis System (TGA).rotary evaporator, flash chromatography, centrifuge, shaking waterbath, vacuum oven, vacuum pub, fraction collector, UV lamp, balances, drying oven, heating magnetic stirrer, melting point apparatus, automatic pipettes, fume hoods, pHmeter, refrigerator, deionization column, micro-equipments.
Laboratory Room 28 Α
The laboratoty component of the courses General and Inorganic Chemistry and Organic Chemistry is held in this laboratory room.
Equipment of this laboratory includes: fume hood, στήλη απιονισμένου νερού, heating plates, magnetic stirrers, pHmeter, conductometer, refractometer, micro-equipments
Laboratory Room 63
In this room the General Microbiology and Food Microbiology I laboratory courses take place. The equipment of this room includes all the necessary basic equipment for the everyday work of a food microbiology lab such as: vertical laminar flow hoods, autoclave, incubators, water bath, centrifuge, polymerase thermal cycler (PCR), horizontal electrophoresis devices, gel electrophoresis imaging system, stereoscopes, optical microscopes, stomacher-type homogenizer, visible and UV photometeranalytical balances, vortex type stirrers, heating magnetic stirrers and other basic equipment (e.g. , pH meter, pipettes, glassware etc).
Laboratory Room 71
The laboratory component of the following courses is held in this laboratory room: Laboratory of Science & Technology of Fruits and Vegetables and Food Packaging Laboratory. The laboratory’s equipment includes: Pilot packaging unit for standardization and packaging of fruits and vegetables, pilot unit for packaging and sorting of olive fruit, colorimeter, Effegi penetrometers (2), handheld refractometers (4), precision balance, microwave oven, electric stove, refrigerator with freezer, water deionization column, glassware and other small equipments.
Laboratory Room 83D
In this laboratory room the laboratory part of the following courses is held in this room: Analytical Chemistry and Biochemistry I. The infrastructure used includes: water bath, laboratory balance, heated magnetic stirrers (4), pH-meters (4), electrophoresis apparatus (1D and 2D), micro centrifuge, laboratory benches, fume hood cupboard with gas and water supply, glassware and other small equipment.
Laboratory Room 83C
In this room the laboratory part of the following courses take place: Food Chemistry and Food Physicochemistry.
For the needs of the above lessons the following equipment are used .
Conductivity meter, Refractometer Abbe, Laboratory Polarimeter, heated magnetic stirrers (3), pH-meters (3), distillation jacket (3), spectrophotometer ELIZA, connected with P/C, laboratory balance, fume hood cupboard, laboratory benches, glassware and other small equipment.
Laboratory Room 83E
In this room the laboratory part of the course of Food Analysis takes place.
The equipment that used in this laboratory includes thew following:
Near-Infrared and UV/Vis spectrophotometers, particle size and zeta potential measurement instrument, Gas Chromatographs equipped with auto sampler and different detectors (MS, FID, FPD, TCD, NPD, ECD), Liquid Chromatographs with auto sampler and different detectors (MS/MS with ESI and APCI source, RI, Diode Array, Fluorescence).
Asymmetrical Flow Field Flow Fractionation chromatograph with fraction collector and different detectors (Multi-Angle static Light Scattering (MALS), Diode Array, and Refractive Index).
UPLC/TOF-MS, GC/IMS (Flavor Spec./ e-nose), RAMAN spectrophotometer
Air compressor, nitrogen and hydrogen generators, gas transfer lines, high and low pressure homogenizers, ozone generator, ozone analyzer, ultrasonic bath, balances with four and three decimal points, water purification system, professional dishwasher, centrifuge, environmental chamber, different refrigerators (-80 oC, -20 oC, 4 oC), grain mill, Vortex mixer, viscometer, rotary evaporator, fume hood cupboard, laboratory benches, glassware and other small equipment.
Room 91
A MALDI TOF/TOF mass spectrometer and an environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) with EDS microanalysis system there are in this room.